Looking for a probate expert in San Diego? Let's talk.
Whatever your circumstances, we're here and ready to talk.
Get in touch today to discuss your situation and for tailor-made advice.
A One-Stop Shop for Everything Probate
We'll help with more than just selling the estate or probate property. We can be your quarterback and coordinate all probate details with our strategic partners.
Strategic Alliances with San Diego's Best Probate Attorneys
As a member of Probate Attorneys of San Diego, Brian has vetted the very best attorneys to help you manage probate.
Whether there is a will, or not, together we can help seamlessly distribute assets to the beneficiaries.
- Collect and manage life insurance proceeds
- Get the decedent's property appraised
- Find and secure all of the decedent's assets
- Advise on how to pay the decedent's bills and settle debt
- Prepare/file documents as required by a probate court
- Manage the estate's checkbook
- Determine whether any estate taxes are owed
Concierge Services for Probate Real Property
We'll coordinate inspections and obtain bids from our network of:
- Contractors
- Cleaners
- Haulers
- Estate Liquidators
- + You Name it!